I’m all tagged up

I was tagged by tiffany. this version of the game is list 7 habits/quirks and then tag 7 people.

1. i have a very small attention span when it comes to clothes. it’s not that i don’t care, it’s that i can’t keep up the caring. it just sort of fizzles out. so i’m interested while i pick out my shirt and then my jeans and then, i’m done. all i want is my flip flops and a hair tie. i don’t want to think about jewelry or shoes or purses. and, due to my small attention span, i own about 7 or 8 black shirts so that i don’t have to try too hard to make everything match.

2. i love healthy food and cooking healthy and reading about healthy food. i love organic food and tofu and soy and fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. i hate anything patriotic. i love my country, but i hate it when people are “proud to be american” because i think that they tend to not see how bad things are. not that they aren’t bad anywhere else. not that anyone else is doing better. they’re not. i think america is as good as it gets and it’s still pretty corrupt. i hate politics and government in general so when it comes to waving a flag in the air and watching fireworks, i probably won’t go.

4. i eat my foods in a certain order. it’s just the way it is. salad is usually last.

5. i only use one kind of pen to write. the uni-ball vision (fine point). i don’t like anything else.

6. i love to throw things away. oftentimes i regret throwing all of those things away because i do want to use them later, but i love not owning a lot and i love the clean feeling of throwing bags and bags of stuff away. what stressed me out about moving out to california the most was not being able to throw all of ava’s baby stuff away because hopefully, there will be other babies in the future who are going to need a cradle or a exersaucer.

7. i make lists for everything. i love lists. i love crossing things off lists. it is the motivation that keeps me going. i am a total list and schedule person.

1. katie
2. anita
3. sarah
4. carol
5. mario
6. hernan
7. amber


Filed under me

5 responses to “I’m all tagged up

  1. carol

    Wait, what? I’m not the carol you tagged am I? I don’t know how to play!

  2. miriam

    i figured you could just email me a lst of 7. you’re such an interesting person thati’d love to see what you come up with.

  3. AnnieOfBlueGables

    Thanks for the Tag. Basically read KT’s blog. I cannot believe how we match. In fact I made a comment on hers that explains my quirks. One thing I would add is:
    colors. I collect colors. When I see pens, I have to have the whole gambit of rainbow colors, not just one pen. Cloth? same. Yarn, thread, fabric paints, etc.
    And opposite of you, I CANNOT throw things away. Mind you I have gotten better, but it seems later I regret throwing things, or else I tear the house apart looking for that item, only to remember I threw it. 😦
    thanks for the tag. You are so cute

  4. pixiestylist

    i need you to come to my house and help me throw stuff away, i am too like my mother that way (annieofbluegables). not that i don’t want to be like her, its just not my favorite feature about myself…

  5. miriam

    actually, i have been recruited to help people throw things away. i love doing that also. because i also love interior design and it’s most easy to make a house look good when there’s nothing inside of it.

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